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Kel-West Society of Martial Arts - System of Rank:(Dan Gup Jedo)
(� copyright 2024 - all rights reserved)

Grading Requirements (Adults and Youth):

Belt Rank Minimum time required
to advance in rank
10th Gup - White-Belt 2 - 3 Months (25 Hours) Yellow-Stripe
9th Gup - White-Belt With Yellow-Stripe 3 Months (25 Hours) Yellow-Belt
8th Gup Yellow Belt 3 Months (25 Hours) Green-Stripe
7th Gup - Yellow-Belt With Green-Stripe 3 Months (25 Hours) Green-Belt
6th Gup - Green-Belt 3 Months (25 Hours) Blue-Stripe
5th Gup - Green-Belt With Blue-Stripe 3 Months (25 Hours) Blue-Belt
4th Gup - Blue-Belt 4 Months (32 Hours) Red-Stripe
3rd Gup - Blue-Belt With Red-Stripe 5 Months (40 Hours) Red-Belt
2nd Gup - Red-Belt 6 Months (48 Hours) Black-Stripe
1st Gup - Red-Belt With Black-Stripe 6 Months (48 Hours) 1st Degree Black-
1st Dan (Il Dan) Black-Belt 2 Years (192 hours) 2nd Degree Black-Belt
2nd Dan (Ee Dan) Black-Belt 2 Years (192 hours) 3rd Degree Black-Belt
3rd Dan (Sam Dan) Black Belt 3 Years (288 hours) 4th Degree Black-Belt

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