Saju Magki (Four Directional Block)(16 moves):

pattern guide

The illustration for this pattern assumes that the student is standing on line "AB" and facing "D" in the pattern guide (above). Also, this study guide was intended for information purposes, only, and is not a "replacement" for regular classroom instruction. For more detailed assistance (or how to actually learn the pattern), please speak to your instructor during class.

Ready posture: Parallel Ready Stance

1. Execute a left walking stance to D by bringing the right foot back toward C, at the same time performing a left low knife-hand block to D.

2. Execute a right walking stance by bringing the right foot forward to D, at the same time execute a right middle inner forearm block to D.

3. Execute a left walking stance to B by bringing the right foot in toward the left foot and back to A, at the same time performing a left low knife-hand block to B.

4. Execute a right walking stance by bringing the right foot forward to B, at the same time execute a right middle inner forearm block to B.

5. Execute a left walking stance to C by bringing the right foot in toward the left foot and back to D, at the same time performing a left low knife-hand block to C.

6. Execute a right walking stance by bringing the right foot forward to C, at the same time execute a right middle inner forearm block to C.

7. Execute a left walking stance to A by bringing the right foot in toward the left foot and back to B, at the same time performing a left low knife-hand block to A.

8. Execute a right walking stance by bringing the right foot forward to A, at the same time execute a right middle inner forearm block to A. Bring the right foot in performing a parallel ready stance to D.

9. Execute a right walking stance to D by bringing the left foot back to C, at the same time performing a right low knife-hand block to D.

10. Execute a left walking stance to D by bringing the left foot forward, at the same time execute a left middle inner forearm block to D.

11. Execute a right walking stance to A by bringing the left foot in to the right foot and back toward B, at the same time performing a right low knife-hand block to A.

12. Execute a left walking stance to A by bringing the left foot forward, at the same time execute a left middle inner forearm block to A.

13. Execute a right walking stance to C by bringing the left foot in to the right foot and back toward D, at the same time performing a right low knife-hand block to C.

14. Execute a left walking stance to C by bringing the left foot forward, at the same time execute a left middle inner forearm block to C.

15. Execute a right walking stance to B by bringing the left foot in to the right foot and back toward A, at the same time performing a right low knife-hand block to B.

16. Execute a left walking stance to B by bringing the left foot forward, at the same time execute a left middle inner forearm block to B. Pause one-half second, then in a loud voice, say: "Saju-Magki"

"BARO" (return)

END: Bring the left foot in to a parallel ready stance facing D.

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